For a complete running list of events, please visit the Event Tracker.
2024 State of the Space Industrial Base (Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, May 29 - 31, 2024) Don’t miss out! Mark your calendars and join us for a dynamic hybrid workshop that is a “must attend” space industry event. Participants will learn how the strength of the industrial base has advanced in the last year, and they will contribute to progressing solutions that support the Space industrial base, increase prosperity and ensure national security. Please sign up to learn more about the 2024 Space Industrial Conference and SSIB Workshop! Stay tuned for more details about the 2024 Space Industrial Conference and SSIB Hybrid Workshop!
SANS Stay Sharp: May 2024 (Virtual, May 29 - 31, 2024) At SANS Stay Sharp: May 2024, choose from 48 interactive courses with hands-on labs. Practice your skills and compete against your peers during NetWars Tournaments, and network with your instructor and industry colleagues in real-time. Each course includes electronic and printed books, and several courses align with GIAC certifications!
NICE Conference & Expo: Strengthening Ecosystems (Dallas, Texas, USA, Jun 3 - 5, 2024) This year’s conference theme “Strengthening Ecosystems: Aligning Stakeholders to Bridge the Cybersecurity Workforce Gap” highlights the collective effort to strengthen the cybersecurity landscape. By joining forces with key partners, we can foster a more robust cybersecurity ecosystem to bridge the workforce gap.
AWS re: Inforce (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, Jun 10 - 12, 2024) AWS re: Inforce is a conference that addresses AWS security and confidentiality for customers. The conference covers: Proactive security: Considerations and approaches; How AWS secures data, even from trusted operators and services; Identity and access management; Security mindfulness; Cryptography from the future: Research & innovation to protect customer data; Compliance and governance; Data protection and privacy; and Security operations.
Cyber Civil Defense Summit (Washington DC, Jun 13, 2024) The Cyber Civil Defense Summit brings together a community of cyber defenders, academics, and policymakers with the shared mission of protecting our most vulnerable public infrastructure against cybersecurity threats.
This in-person event hosts exclusive keynotes and panels with government and industry leaders in cybersecurity, creating an intimate space for cross-sector conversations between academics, volunteers, and policymakers on how we can work together to protect vulnerable community organizations like hospitals, cities, school districts, and nonprofits.