The CyberWire Daily Briefing for 8.22.2013
Symantec reports finding Chinese-developed ransomlock malware that changes Windows login credentials. F-Secure discovers a new feature in some low-grade Android malware: SMTP connection.
The Ramnit Trojan continues to affect Steam gamers, and a guest post at the Internet Storm Center outlines how "your browser knows all your secrets." This week's problems with Tumblr turn out not to have been due to an attack after all: it was an internal software issue, now fixed.
The US FBI cries io triumphe over Anonymous and Anonymous cries bull#%t back. Both cries have some truth, but since Anonymous has for some time seemed capable of little more than cybervandalism of relatively soft targets (apologies to Mole Valley, Surrey), the FBI probably has the stronger case.
Akamai offers perspective on DDoS as misdirection.
The Daily Caller runs a piece worth reading post-Quantum Dawn (and post Icahn Apple tweets) on how hackers could disrupt financial markets. Cyber business risks prompt a small but significant rush for cyber insurance.
PCI 3.0 standards seek to drive improved security, but many observers see little more than cover for card brands.
More NSA surveillance revelations arouse Congressional discomfort and international reaction. Such reaction is particularly strong in Brazil (after the UK's detention of Miranda) and Germany (where it's become an election issue, and also prompted the government to warn that Windows 8 might contain NSA backdoors). Some non-Congressional observers think NSA's groping through a tough challenge with basic good intent. The Director of National Intelligence has launched a transparency blog.
Today's issue includes events affecting Brazil, China, France, Germany, Malaysia, Qatar, Russia, Syria, United Kingdom, and United States..
Cyber Attacks, Threats, and Vulnerabilities
Chinese Ransomlock Malware Changes Windows Login Credentials (Symantec) Although ransomware has become an international problem, we rarely see Chinese versions. Recently, Symantec Security Response noticed a new type of ransomlock malware that not only originates from China but also uses a new ransom technique to force users into paying to have their computers unlocked
Android Malware goes SMTP (F-Secure) Before we get to thinking that nothing is new under the Android malware sun, we get a small, but quite interesting surprise. An android malware that connects to SMTP servers to send an email
Attackers home in on Steam gamers with help of Ramnit Trojan (SC Magazine) Users of the popular video game distribution service Steam are being targeted by a Trojan that steals their login credentials and defeats the service's password encryption mechanism by using HTML injection
Psst. Your Browser Knows All Your Secrets. (Internet Storm Center) This is a "guest diary" submitted by Sally Vandeven. We will gladly forward any responses or please use our comment/forum section to comment publically. Sally is currently enrolled in the SANS Masters Program. I got to wondering one day how difficult it would be to find the crypto keys used by my browser and a web server for TLS sessions. I figured it would involve a memory dump, volatility, trial and error and maybe a little bit of luck. So I started looking around and like so many things in life…all you have to do is ask. Really. Just ask your browser to give you the secrets and it will! As icing on the cake, Wireshark will read in those secrets and decrypt the data for you. Here's a quick rundown of the steps
Random NSFW Tumblr Posts Not Caused by Hack, Site Confirms (Softpedia) Tumblr has explained the strange issues that have been plaguing users earlier today. People have reported seeing weird entries in their dashboard feeds from people they don't even follow. Some of the content was heavily NSFW, giving plenty of users a nasty surprise…Fortunately, the issue has been identified, the Yahoo-owned site has said, and Tumblr has explained that the problem was strictly on their part, i.e. there was no hack or anything nefarious going on
Hacktivists boast of English Defence League KO after website downed (The Register) Hacktivists linked to Anonymous have claimed responsibility for knocking shouty anti-Islam group the English Defence League's website offline
Hacks continue as FBI claims to have dismantled Anonymous (Global Post) The FBI is claiming to have dismantled the hacker organization Anonymous. But shortly after an official's statements were published in the press, Anons dumped large amounts of data that appears to have been stolen from FBI servers
Exclusive: Anonymous Calls Bulls#%t on FBI's Claims of Victory (RYOT) Keith Alexander warned of the looming capability of the organization to cause mass power outages via cyber attack. Anonymous, at the time, responded via
Anonymous: Sorry, FBI, you don't scare us (CyberWarZone) The FBI is declaring victory over Anonymous in a series of statements claiming the hacker collective is no longer able to carry out large, successful operations because most of its "largest players" have been arrested or detained by US law enforcement authorities. "The movement is still there, and they're still yacking on Twitter and posting things, but you don't hear about these guys coming forward with those large breaches," Austin P. Berglas, assistant special agent in charge of the FBI's cyber division, told the Huffington Post
How Hacktivists Have Targeted Major Media Outlets (Dark Reading) From the Washington Post and CNN to the Twitter feeds of the Associated Press and Reuters, hacktivists have news outlets…and their social-media presence…in their crosshairs. Global conflicts have increasingly led tech-savvy protesters and loyalists to express their views online by hacking, and while many groups have focused on attempting to damage or deface government websites, others have focused on getting the word out by attacking the media
DDoS Attacks Used As Cover For Other Crimes (Akamai Blog) Protecting customers from DDoS attacks is an Akamai InfoSec specialty. When we see DDoS attempts against our customers, the typical thinking is that someone is doing it to force sites into downtime, which can cost a business millions in lost online sales
Spammers Get Jamming on SoundCloud (ThreatTrack Security Labs) Spam related to watching content online has been around for a long time, and the last time we saw something pretty inventive in this area was back in June with the promise of free movies spammed to Slideshare. Today we're going to take a look at what spammers are up to in SoundCloud land. Spammers are doing their best to promote their "free movie / tv show" antics on the popular audio distribution platform like so
Jumping out of IE's sandbox with one clic (Threatpost) Software vendors often give intentionally vague and boring names to the updates they use to fix security vulnerabilities. The lamer the name, the less attention it may attract from attackers looking to reverse-engineer the patch. There was one patch in Microsoft's August Patch Tuesday release earlier this month that fit that bill, MS13-059, Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer. But hidden inside the big fix was a patch for a vulnerability that enabled a one-click escape of the IE sandbox
Email account hacked, phishing messages sent, traces obliterated (GData) When a Gmail account has been attacked, the victim will need to put everything straight again
Hacker reveals how devastating a cyberattack on the stock market could be (Daily Caller) Of all the horrifying scenarios that hackers could pull off -- from launching nukes to spoofing air traffic control -- the one that poses the biggest risk for Wall Street would be a cyber attack on equity markets. In the summer issue of hacker magazine 2600, pseudonymous writer "Eightkay" shows how such a scenario could pan out
Security Patches, Mitigations, and Software Updates
Google Releases Google Chrome 29.0.1547.57 (US-CERT) Google has released Google Chrome 29.0.1547.57 for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Chrome Frame to address multiple vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities could allow a remote attacker to cause a denial of service condition, conduct a directory traversal attack, or obtain sensitive information
Cisco patches serious vulnerabilities in Unified Communications Manager (ComputerWorld) The vulnerabilities can be exploited by attackers to execute arbitrary commands or disrupt telephony-related services, Cisco said
Cyber Trends
Five things radically changing what "enterprise" means (Ars Technica) Clouds and virtualization, sure, but what about shadow IT groups
When Chief Security Officers become Chief Risk Officers (SC Magazine) A discussion with a number of security industry leaders on the evolving role of the chief security officer
Consumers Threaten to Switch Banks Over Phishing Scams (The Financial Brand) 71% of U.S. adults would be at least somewhat likely to switch to a different bank if they became a victim of online banking fraud at their current bank
The Counter-productive Effect of the Cost of Cybercrime (Infosecurity Magazine) The cost of cybercrime is frequently used to justify the cost of security products and the implementation of new - and invariably more stringent - cyber laws. But what if those figures are wrong? Could it mean that industry, and government, gets its entire cybersecurity strategy wrong
Data Threats Spark Insurance Hunger (CFO) Ponemon, a nonprofit think tank focusing on privacy and data-security issues, defines the former term as "a cyber attack that infiltrates a company's networks or
System integrity steps up as an issue (FierceFinance) System integrity has been a big issue on Wall Street, as the dazzling technical complexity of all markets continues to advance. Unfortunately, controls and QA mechanisms have not kept pace. We've seen a laundry list of system snafus that have victimized the likes of Nasdaq, Facebook, BATS and of course Knight Capital. Recall that Knight Capital, thanks to a system bug that cropped up as part of the company's efforts to connect with a new NYSE retail liquidity program, ended up suffering a $440 million in less than an hour. It ultimately forced the firm to put itself up for sale, at a fraction of what it was previously worth
McAfee Threat Report finds significant new mobile malware concerns (CSO) It's that time again. No, don't check your calendar—it's not another Patch Tuesday already. It is however, time for the latest McAfee Threats Report, covering the second quarter of 2013. Mobile malware targeting Android is once again stealing the show, but now it seems to be more than just bluster
China: When Trade Trumps Information Security (IDGConnect) As the world's second-largest economy and one of its largest consumers of technology, China has a staggeringly powerful position at the centre of global trade. There's something about a market of over one billion consumers which tends to make governments and private enterprises pretty nervous about offending Beijing in any way... there's always the chance that retribution could be brutally swift and irreversible
IBM Services And Software Selected For Department Of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity Initiative (Wall Street Journal) IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced its industry leading security software and services offering will be part of the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) program
Kratos Awarded Department of Homeland Security "Continuous Monitoring as a Service" Blanket Purchase Agreement (MarketWatch) Veteran Security Leader and Former CISO for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to Lead Efforts on Behalf of Kratos
Lockheed Martin Wins Role to Provide Cyber Security Services to Government Agencies (4-Traders) Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] has been authorized as a provider of cyber security information technology (IT) services and tools for a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) program to defend federal and other government IT networks from threats
Lunarline Wins FAA Information Security and Privacy Contract (Sacramento Bee) Lunarline is a leading cyber security and privacy provider to the US Federal Government, as well as private industry. Our unique approach to
SAIC names new leader for intelligence group (Washington Technology) The NSS is part of SAIC that will help form Leidos once SAIC splits into two new companies … His background includes active duty as a Navy intelligence officer
CyberMaryland 2013 to celebrate National Cyber Security Awareness Month (Maryland Biz News) Governor Martin O'Malley announced on Tuesday that during National Cybersecurity Awareness Month in October 2013, Maryland will host CyberMaryland 2013, a multi-faceted conference, competition, TECHEXPO cyber hiring event and awards celebration designed to showcase industry innovations, recognize cyber pioneers and groom the next generation of cyber experts. Scheduled October 8 and 9 at the Baltimore Convention Center, CyberMaryland 2013 will connect educators, innovators, employers, and students and further demonstrate the state's leadership in cybersecurity and information technology. Sponsoring CyberMaryland 2013 is Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)), Maryland's Department of Business and Economic Development (DBED), and the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC)
Products, Services, and Solutions
New enterprise information management platform (Help Net Security) Actifio announced a product release expanding its scope as an application-defined copy data management platform. New features in Actifio 6.0 allow companies to manage data in ways that go beyond business resiliency applications - classic backup and business continuity use cases - to manage enterprise data access
Barracuda Web Filter 7.0 targets social media harassment (Help Net Security) Barracuda Networks released firmware version 7.0 for its Web Filter. Highlights of the new release include transparent inspection of SSL-encrypted traffic, proactive alerts for web policy violations
Motorola's new Moto X phone worries IT security pros (FierceMobileIT) The new Moto X smartphone, the flagship smartphone for Google's (NASDAQ: GOOG) Motorola Mobility unit, comes with all kinds of consumer friendly features, such as a personal digital assistant that can guess what information or services users want and an always-on microphone
Microsoft Windows Defender Stumbles In Malware Tests (InformationWeek) Microsoft's free anti-virus software came in last among 23 programs at catching known malware in an AV program shootout, says independent testing firm
Technologies, Techniques, and Standards
Dmitri Alperovitch on Offensive Security and Active Defense (Tripwire) Dmitri Alperovitch (@DmitriCyber) is the Co-Founder and CTO at CrowdStrike, and is leads the company's Intelligence, Research and Engineering teams, and previously was the Vice President of Threat Research for McAfee, where he spearheaded global Internet threat intelligence analysis
Security tips for the connected family (Help Net Security) With more than half of families purchasing electronics this back-to-school shopping season, students are using more technology than ever to make the grade
When it comes to trouble shooting and threat detection, NetFlow wins over packet capture (NetworkWorld) This vendor-written tech primer has been edited by Network World to eliminate product promotion, but readers should note it will likely favor the submitter's approach. With Internet connections to cloud services growing rapidly and cyber attacks becoming craftier and more sinister, the need for improved traffic visibility is in high demand. In the past, both layer 7 application awareness and malware detection capabilities have been major separators when choosing between flow capture and packet capture for traffic analysis, but today the decision is most often NetFlow in lieu of packet capture
PCI 3.0 Pushes Security, Not Just Requirements (StorefrontBacktalk) If you want to get a handle on PCI version 3.0, one place to start is compensating controls. You know the idea: You can't meet the letter of some PCI requirement, so you come up with an alternative security measure that your QSA confirms will produce the same result. Instead of having to twist your systems in knots over a requirement, you focus on making your systems secure. And that, in a nutshell, is what the new version of the PCI Data Security Standard is trying to do too
Extracting data from damaged mobile devices (Forensic Focus) For the last few years we have successfully extracted data from various mobile device, such as cell phones, smartphones, tablets, etc. Among devices to be examined, we came across defective mobile devices (damaged mechanically, by fire or due to being stored in harsh or hostile environmental conditions) from which digital evidence should also be extracted. We have developed several approaches to examining damaged mobile devices which we would like to share with our colleagues
Design and Innovation
You, too, can get PRSM and learn to love the NSA (VentureBeat) It seems every app is building some new awesome way to share, but none of them come close to PRSM, the latest app to help you share your emails, photos, videos, phone calls, text messages, Google searches, and trips to the toilet
Linux Hackers Rebuild Internet From Silicon Valley Garage (Wired) Alex Polvi is living the great Silicon Valley archetype. Together with some old school friends, he's piecing together a tech revolution from inside a two-car Palo Alto garage
Research and Development
Google Exploring Location–Dependent Security Settings For Smartphone Unlock (TechCrunch) Google has a patent application published today (via Engadget) that would make the standard system of unlocking a device much more intelligent, using a smartphone's built-in sensor to change your security settings on a sliding basis depending on where the phone finds itself. This would allow a user to make it easier to unlock a phone while in the comfort of their own home, while making it more
'Intelligent agents' putting the smart in artificial intelligence (ZDNet) Machines and systems equipped with their own values and objectives are bringing a new level of sophistication to a range of applications across defence, customer service and gaming. Expect "intelligent agents" -- artificial Intelligence (AI) systems equipped with their own sets of beliefs and life goals -- to increasingly feature across areas as diverse as logistics, manufacturing, entertainment, gaming, and defence
Bank of America Assigned Patent [for personal encryption device] (Hispanic Business) Bank of America, Charlotte, N.C., has been assigned a patent (8,516,609) developed by Richard John Woodward, Warrington, United Kingdom, and Amanda Jane Adams, Flint, United Kingdom, for a personal encryption device
Vt. senator, Norwich to talk cyber warfare grant (Sacramento Bee) U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy and officials at Northfield's Norwich University are going to be talking about a contract to develop software to help combat cyber warfare
Legislation, Policy, and Regulation
Don't use Windows 8 due to risk of 'back doors', warns German government (Computing) The German government has recommended that Federal Administration and other high profile public sector departments in the country do not use Windows 8 because, it warns, it contains security backdoors that cannot be controlled or trusted, and that may be easily accessible by the NSA
NSA scandal looms large in German election (Politico) It's election season in Germany and there's one campaign issue that won't go away: the NSA surveillance scandal. A month before the Sept. 22 federal elections here, which determine whether Chancellor Angela Merkel and her party will be reelected for a third term, the NSA scandal appears in headline after headline in German newspapers
Amid Uproar Over NSA's Surveillance, Malaysia Wants to Expand Its Spying Powers (Bloomberg) The spying scandal roiling the National Security Agency in the U.S. may turn out to provide great air cover for other countries wanting to expand electronic surveillance
'Boyfriend Tracker' app raises stir in Brazil (WKRN) Brazilians were outraged when they learned their country was a top target of the U.S. National Security Agency's overseas spying
Lawmakers, privacy groups rattled by latest NSA reveal (Politico) Congressional critics of government surveillance blasted the NSA and promised additional hearings after the Obama administration on Wednesday declassified documents that show thousands of Americans' emails had been scooped up
NSA's Surveillance Reach; Supreme Court Hasn't 'Gotten to' Email (Wall Street Journal) Roughly 75%: The National Security Agency, working with telecommunications companies, has built a surveillance system that can reach deep into the US
Buchanan calls for reform of National Security Agency (Bradenton Herald) In the wake of new revelations about the extent of the agency's surveillance activities, Rep. Vern Buchanan joined calls Wednesday for Congress to reform the
5 reasons the NSA scandal ain't all that (The Week) I really do think tribal feelings determine how you view the significance of Edward Snowden's revelations. It is almost impossible not take into account everything associated with the manner that they were released: the dramatic flight to Hong Kong, then Russia; the dramatic differences in press freedoms in the U.S. and U.K.; the detention of David Miranda and the destruction of hard drives inside the headquarters of a newspaper. No matter how hard we try, we can't help but fail to segregate our judgment of the NSA's actions. We want to side with the side we identify with: civil libertarians, journalism, or with the intelligence community, with policy-makers. We accept their assertions and their evidence more than we do the assertions of the "other" side, even though this type of controversy does not lend itself to binary divisions
US Director Of National Intelligence Launches Tumblr Site "IC On The Record" To Assuage Surveillance Concerns (TechCrunch) The U.S. office of National Intelligence launched a new site today to promote government transparency in the wake of the months-long scandals surrounding the National Security Agency's surveillance tactics
Welcome to IC ON THE RECORD (ODNI) In Congress and across the nation, Americans are engaged in a discussion about the value and appropriateness of the foreign surveillance authorities granted to the Intelligence Community. The discussion will ultimately lead us, as a nation, to make decisions about the future of some foreign surveillance-related laws and practices
GCHQ taps fibre-optic cables for secret access to world's communications (The Guardian) Britain's spy agency GCHQ has secretly gained access to the network of cables which carry the world's phone calls and internet traffic and has started to process vast streams of sensitive personal information which it is sharing with its American partner, the National Security Agency
International Internet governance treaties dubbed "folly" (FierceGovtIT) Dismissing as "folly" efforts to govern the Internet through international treaty, a draft essay argues that global debate mechanisms such as the Internet Governance Forum are a better way to regulate responsible Internet usage
Why the US should build a national internet system (Quartz) Earlier this month, The Daily Yonder, a well-named site about life in rural America, brought us this unsettling map of broadband availability, or lack thereof, in the country's remote counties
Defense Hires Cyber Chief For Industry Information–Sharing Program (NextGov) The U.S. military has tapped an IBM executive to encourage Pentagon contractors to come clean about network breaches that might compromise government data, Defense Department officials said on Wednesday
DoD to unite IT, building control systems along same cyber lines (Federal News Radio) The Defense Department is expanding the number and types of devices that are covered under its cybersecurity regulations. DoD's Chief Information Officer Teri Takai is expected to issue the new regulations in October
The NSA's phony national firewall proposal (ZDNet) According to an anonymously-sourced report in the New York Times, the NSA wants to build a firewall/IDS/IPS around the whole United States of America. The idea is completely ridiculous, impractical in the extreme, and perhaps just a ruse for other operations. Few government agencies have taken a reputation hit in recent times as big as that currently diminishing the National Security Agency (NSA). And while many in the tech industry were distrustful of the NSA before, there was at least an admiration for their prowess in cyberwarfare
Russia's FSB mulls ban on 'Tor' online anonymity network (Russia Today) The head of the Federal Security Service (FSB) has personally ordered preparations for laws that would block the Tor anonymity network from the entire Russian sector of the Internet, a Russian newspaper reported
Litigation, Investigation, and Law Enforcement
Bradley Manning's Tough Sentence Shows White House's Uncompromising War On Data Leakers (TechCrunch) Wikileaks source Private Bradley Manning was slapped with a 35-year prison sentence today -- the largest sentence ever of its kind. "It's further indication that the Executive Branch is very serious about discouraging classified documents," Yale Law School professor Eugene Fidell tells me. "It struck me that it was a little on the high side, but within the range of
White House calls for warrantless searches of suspects' cellphones (The Verge) Obama administration urges Supreme Court to weigh in on controversial case
Manning to seek pardon from Obama (The Hill) Former Army intelligence analyst Pfc. Bradley Manning is planning to formally request a pardon from President Obama, his lawyer said Wednesday. Manning's attorney, David Coombs, told reporters at Fort Meade, Md., that Manning would apply for a presidential pardon after he was sentenced Wednesday to 35 years in prison on charges of espionage
Secret NSA court opinions declassified (Politico) The nations' top intelligence official is declassifying three secret U.S. court opinions showing how the National Security Agency scooped up as many as 56,000 emails annually over three years and other communications by Americans with no connection to terrorism, how it revealed the error to the court and changed how it gathered Internet communications
Court Eventually Stopped NSA From Collecting Millions Of Communications (TechCrunch) Two new fun facts today regarding America's surveillance state: the National Security Agency was collecting hundreds of millions of communications up until 2011, but a military court stopped them. In a recently declassified and heavily redacted court order, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) ruled that a potentially defunct mass email snooping program violated the 4th
US Admits Electronic Spying on Americans Was Illegal (SecurityWeek) The US government spied on electronic communications between Americans with no links to terror suspects until a judge ruled it illegal in 2011, officials acknowledged Wednesday
NSA used PRISM to collect more than 200 million internet communications a year as of 2011 (The Verge) According to a declassified order from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, as of 2011, the US National Security Agency was "acquiring" more than 250 million "internet communications" each year under Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act (FAA) -- the statute that allows the NSA to collect the content of internet communications. The order states that the "vast majority" of these communications were obtained from internet service providers under PRISM, and that only nine percent of of the total internet communications acquired by the NSA were part of it's "upstream" collection practices, which pull data directly from telecommunications cables
NSA Program Found Unconstitutional Went On For 3 Years; Started Right After Telcos Got Immunity (TechDirt) A further delve into the latest NSA surveillance bombshell from the WSJ highlights the ridiculousness of the claims that there were "no violations" by the NSA over the years. We've been aware for a while that the FISC ruled a certain NSA program unconstitutional, but the details had been kept secret. It only came out that something was found unconstitutional a year ago, through the efforts of Senator Ron Wyden. Since then, people have been digging for more. The DOJ finally has agreed to release a redacted version of the FISC ruling after fighting it for a while, but as we wait, some more details have been coming out. Last week's Washington Post story about abuses claimed that this particular program wasn't reported to the FISC for "many months."
Privacy minefields lurk even in corporate-owned devices (FierceMobileIT) Some enterprises are rethinking BYOD and returning to policies that only permit corporate-owned mobile devices in the workplace in order to improve security and reduce legal liability
Retired sailor guilty of attempted espionage (Norfolk Virginian-Pilot) In about as much time as it took to eat a late lunch, a federal jury on Wednesday convicted a retired sailor from Virginia Beach of trying to pass classified information to Russian spies
Soca chief, Trevor Pearce, treated hacking committee 'with contempt' (The Independent) The head of the Serious Organised Crime Agency (Soca) is facing fresh questions over his evidence to Parliament after he provided MPs with contradictory statements over the unit's activities regarding corrupt private investigators
Investigation At Bloomberg Finds A Don't Ask, Don't Tell Newsroom Culture (Forbes) The news that some reporters at Bloomberg News used access to the company's clients' data in their reporting put the financial news giant under a microscope earlier this year. But was it the isolated and relatively harmless actions of a few or evidence of systemic rot? A three-month review of the organization's practices suggests it was mostly the former, but also describes a newsroom culture where a large number of reporters had a vague sense they were getting away with something shady
For a complete running list of events, please visit the Event Tracker.
Upcoming Events
SANS Thailand 201 (Bangkok, Thailand, Aug 19 - 31, 2013) SANS hands-on advanced Information Security training is coming to Thailand this August! SANS is bringing our Web App Penetration Testing course to the Crowne Plaza Bangkok Lumpini Park in Bangkok, Thailand.
2013 Cyber Security Division Transition to Practice (TTP) Technology Demonstration for Investors, Integrators, and IT Companies (I3) — West (San Jose, California, USA, Aug 22, 2013) This event will feature eight innovative cybersecurity technologies that have been developed at the Department of Energy National Laboratories and have the potential to strengthen and organization's cybersecurity posture. During this event cybersecurity professionals and technology investors from private industry will learn about these new technologies through presentations, demonstrations, and discussions with the research teams that produced these technologies. In addition, attendees will have an opportunity to schedule a private one-on-one discussion with the Researcher to discuss opportunities for commercializing the technologies and areas of interest to drive further cybersecurity research. Registration closes August 12.
TechCrunch Disrupt San Francisco (San Francisco, California, Sep 7 - 11, 2013) For the fourth year in a row, TechCrunch Disrupt will take over the San Francisco Design Center Concourse, and we're bringing the hottest startups and best minds in the industry with us. Block off September 7-11 on your calendar, because you're not going to want to miss Disrupt SF 2013. The Hackathon kicks everything off, followed by our main event, which starts every morning with panels of special speakers and guests, one-on-one chats featuring TechCrunch writers and editors, special guest speakers and judges, leading venture capitalists and fascinating entrepreneurs addressing the most important topics facing today's tech landscape. In the afternoons, the Startup Battlefield presentations begin, with the final presentations held on the last day of Disrupt.
SANS CyberCon Fall 2013 (Online, Sep 9 - 14, 2013) With sequestration still in place, organizations are finding themselves with training budgets, but drastically reduced travel budgets. This one-of-a-kind online training event brings SANS' top instructors teaching SANS' top courses to those who can't travel.
15th Annual AT&T Cyber Security Conference (New York, New York, USA, Sep 10, 2013) The AT&T Cyber Security Conference is an annual day-long conference offered by the AT&T Chief Security Office. Combining the expertise of its security experts, the scale and reliability of its global IP network and the innovation of AT&T Labs, AT&T is giving businesses some of the most powerful weapons available today in their battle against cyber security attacks. The conference showcases AT&T's leadership in helping businesses, large and small, manage the increasingly complex and critically important security of their IT networks and assets.
International Common Criteria Conference (Orlando, Florida, USA, Sep 10 - 11, 2013) FBC invites you to participate in the International Common Criteria Conference (ICCC) taking place in Orlando, Florida. This is the first time since 2000 that the ICCC is taking place in the U.S. The ICCC has become the main marketing and meeting opportunity for all those involved in the specification, development, evaluation, and validation or certification of IT security.
GrrCon (Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, Sep 12 - 13, 2013) Says IT World, "Another hacker conference, this time in Michigan. The schedule looks to be bawdy, brash and anything but dull, with hackers promising to "pwn" you before you leave town. There are also sessions on penetration testing tools and mobile hacking methods."
cybergamut Technical Tuesday: Malware Analysis for the Masses (Columbia, Maryland, USA, Sep 17, 2013) With malware becoming more prevalent, and the pool of capable reversers falling short of overall need, there is a greater need to provide quick and efficient malware analysis for network defense. With modern technology and tools, it's now possible for junior security analysts to gather detailed malware indicators to craft defense and alert signatures. More enticing, all of this can be done with free tools and applications, some written by this presenter.
Shaping the Future of Cybersecurity Education Workshop (Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA, Sep 17 - 19, 2013) The third annual Shaping the Future of Cybersecurity Education Workshop will be held at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, MD and focus on "Navigating the National Cybersecurity Education Interstate Highway".
NovaSec! (McLean, Virginia, USA, Jun 13, 2013) NovaSec! is Northern Virginia's largest Cybersecurity and physical security networking event of the year. We are bringing together security professionals from commercial and government organizations with members of local Northern Virginia businesses and associations to allow participants to meet, interact on key issues and provide a unified forum to network with likeminded individual.
Strange Loop (, Jan 1, 1970) Meet us in St. Louis, Sept 18-20th, 2013, to make connections with the creators and users of the languages, libraries, tools, and techniques at the forefront of the industry. Find out where we're going…and where we're not. Topics include emerging languages, concurrent and distributed systems, new database technologies, front-end web, and mobile.
ISSA Cyber Security Forum at Ft Belvoir (Fort Belvoir, Virginia, USA, Sep 19, 2013) This event will allow personnel from Fort Belvoir the chance to learn about the latest cyber security trends, network with peers, discuss Army best practices and to view and demo some of the latest cyber security and information technology products/services available today. This is an excellent opportunity for exhibitors to network with key decision makers, cyber, technology, communications and contracting personnel from various commands and tenant units at Fort Belvoir.
CISO Executive Summit (Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Sep 19 - 20, 2013) Be on the forefront of a new global initiative where today's world-class leaders in information security will gather to navigate through international waters. Join these leaders as they follow the wind of change that is sweeping through the IS community motivating today's information guardians to develop a new way of thinking to ensure success in protecting their respective organizations. (At Hacker Halted USA.)
2013 Cyber Security Summit (New York, New York, USA, Sep 25, 2013) The 2013 Cyber Security Summit connects executives responsible for protecting their company's critical infrastructure with innovative product, service and solution providers. The one day event, to be held September 25th at the Hilton in New York City, will showcase the latest tools and resources available to defend against cyber crime on both corporate and government levels. Keynote addresses and interactive panel discussions lead by notable security experts will highlight strategic priorities, risk factors, threats and provide inspirational guidance to prepare and protect from attacks.