Shadow Brokers and the Equation Group--updates. DNSEC exploitation for DDoS. Ransomware black market. New banking Trojans in Brazil. Bogus security update installs malware. Liedos buys Lockheed Martin's IT business.
Kaspersky Labs explains why they think the Shadow Brokers have dumped Equation Group code in their come-hither teaser: Kaspersky sees an unusual implementation of RC5/RC6 as sufficiently idiosyncratic to flag the leak as genuine. Note that Kaspersky hasn't explicitly said the Equation Group is NSA, but most observers believe it is. Note too that such evidence is, inevitably, circumstantial.
Comae found an email account it thinks is connected to the Shadow Brokers. Motherboard reached out to Tutanota, the account's service provider, but Tutanota really can't say very much about any customers. Their service promises a relatively high degree of anonymity, and Tutanota wouldn't be interested in helping anyone deanomymize a client. Besides, German privacy law has their back.
Speculation about the leakers inevitably turns to Russia. Tensions between that country and the US have been rising, and (as Edward Snowden tweets) it's more noteworthy that the intrusion has been made public than that it was made at all. It strikes him, and others, as of a piece with the DNC-related hacks. Thomas Rid calls it a big "middle-finger" hoisted in the Americans' direction. Others have much to say about a cyber Cold War.
Coincidentally or not, NSA's public website was out for a day, recovering yesterday evening. Fedscoop reports an anonymous source said the site was down temporarily in connection with an internal review.
Neustar has released a study on how Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) can be exploited in DDoS attacks.
The ransomware black market shows continued vigor.
Today's issue includes events affecting Afghanistan, Belgium, Bosnia, Cambodia, China, Colombia, European Union, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Republic of Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Pakistan, Russia, Syria, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, and and Vietnam.
A note to our readers, especially those of you interested in art and design--"STEM to STEAM," as they call it: the CyberWire is partnering with Maryland Art Place to sponsor a competition for an original work of art on the theme "creating connections." You can read about the competition in NY Arts Magazine. A full prospectus may be found here.
The CyberWire's regular daily Podcast will be out later this afternoon, with interviews, educational tips, and more on the stories of the day. Our theme today is the physical security of connected devices. We'll hear from Joe Carrigan of our partners at the Johns Hopkins University, and our guest Rob Humphrey from Kensington will discuss the results of his company's recent survey about securing devices in the workplace. (Our customary reminder: if you enjoy the podcast, please consider giving it an iTunes review.)
Cyber Attacks, Threats, and Vulnerabilities
The Equation Giveaway (Securelist) Rare implementation of RC5/RC6 in ‘ShadowBrokers’ dump connects them to Equation malware
Powerful NSA hacking tools have been revealed online (Washington Post) Some of the most powerful espionage tools created by the National Security Agency’s elite group of hackers have been revealed in recent days, a development that could pose severe consequences for the spy agency’s operations and the security of government and corporate computers
Exotic Code in ‘Shadow Brokers’ Release Points to NSA (Foreign Policy) After a group of mysterious hackers claimed to have broken into the NSA and posted a portion of its stolen code, security researchers were left with a pressing, vexing question: Was the material released by the so-called “Shadow Brokers” actually from the NSA?
Did “The Shadow Brokers” hack NSA cyberweapons worth $500M? (Naked Security) A self-styled hacking group going by The Shadow Brokers have started a tongue-in-cheek media campaign claiming that they’ve penetrated the NSA (or someone like that), and made off with “cyberweapons” that they imply are worth more than $500 million
Snowden speculates leak of NSA spying tools is tied to Russian DNC hack (Ars Technica) Former NSA security scientist concurs exposure by "Equation Group" connected to DNC leak
Email Provider Linked to Alleged NSA Dumps: We Can't Help (Motherboard) On Monday, Motherboard reported that a hacker or group of hackers called “The Shadow Brokers” had dumped what it claimed was a cache of NSA hacking tools. In the wake of that rather extraordinary claim, the security community has feverishly compared notes, largely on Twitter, to try to figure out whether the data is legitimate, and what exactly the collection of files contains
NSA website recovers from outage amid intrigue (Politico) The National Security Agency’s website was offline for almost a full day until Tuesday evening, in an unexplained outage that began shortly after hackers claimed to have stolen a collection of the agency's prized cyber weapons
NSA and the No Good, Very Bad Monday (Lawfare) Monday was a tough day for those in the business of computer espionage. Russia, still using the alias Guccifer2.0, dumped even more DNC documents. And on Twitter, Mikko Hypponen noted an announcement on Github that had gone overlooked for two days, a group is hosting an auction for code from the “Equation Group,” which is more commonly known as the NSA. The auctioneer’s pitch is simple, brutal, and to the point
Hack of NSA-Linked Group Signals a Cyber Cold War (Motherboard) Early Saturday morning, a group of hackers calling themselves The Shadow Brokers made a shocking claim: they had hacked an NSA-linked group, and were selling the spy agency’s “cyber weapons” to the highest bidder
Democrats' new warning: Leaks could include Russian lies (Politico) The move could help inoculate Hillary Clinton against an October cyber surprise
Putin hints at war in Ukraine but may be seeking diplomatic edge (Reuters) Ukraine says it thinks Vladimir Putin is planning a new invasion, and it's not hard to see why: the Russian leader has built up troops on its border and resumed the hostile rhetoric that preceded his annexation of Crimea two years ago
Here’s why terrorist suicide attacks are increasing: They attract rewards from ISIS and al-Qaeda (Washington Post) From October 1980 to September 2015, according to a new paper by Benjamin Acosta, an assistant professor at Louisiana State University, 123 militant groups carried out 5,305 suicide attacks, killing more than 40,000 people. Just this year, suicide attacks have hit Afghanistan, Belgium, France, Indonesia, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, and Turkey, among others
French Media Stopped Publishing Terrorists' Photos. Research Says They're Right. (Motherboard) A few weeks ago some major French newspapers decided to stop publishing the photos and names of terrorists. It was days after dozens of people were killed in a brutal attack in the coastal town of Nice, and the global community was scrambling to find out more about the violent man behind the wheel
Subverting protection into DDoS attacks (Help Net Security) On average, DNSSEC reflection can transform an 80-byte query into a 2,313-byte response, an amplification factor of nearly 30 times, which can easily cause a network service outage during a DDoS attack, resulting in lost revenue and data breaches, according to Neustar
Neustar Research: DNSSEC Reflection Severe DDoS Risk (Yahoo! Finance) Neustar, Inc. (NSR), a trusted, neutral provider of real-time information services, today published “DNSSEC: How Savvy DDoS Attackers Are Using Our Defenses Against Us,” a research report that details how Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC) can be subverted as an amplifier in Distributed-Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks. Neustar determined that on average, DNSSEC reflection can transform an 80-byte query into a 2,313-byte response, an amplification factor of nearly 30 times, which can easily cause a network service outage during a DDoS attack, resulting in lost revenue and data breaches
Attackers can hijack unencrypted web traffic of 80% of Android users (Help Net Security) The recently revealed security bug (CVE-2016-5696) in the TCP implementation in the Linux kernel that could allow attackers to hijack unencrypted web traffic without an MitM position also affects some 1.4 billion Android devices, Lookout researchers have warned
Proxy authentication flaw can be exploited to crack HTTPS protection (Help Net Security) Mistakes made in the implementation of proxy authentication in a variety of operating systems and applications have resulted in security vulnerabilities that allow MitM attackers to effectively hijack HTTPS sessions, security researcher Jerry Decime has discovered
India-based hackers suspected behind corporate espionage malware dubbed Shakti Trojan (International Business Times) The malware appears to have been around for a while, operating below the radar to evade detection
High-end banking malware hits Brazil (CSO) In the past two weeks, IBM's X-Force security team has spotted the high-end banking trojans Zeus Sphinx and Zeus Panda targeting Brazilian financial institutions, according to a new report
Brazil Can’t Catch a Break: After Panda Comes the Sphinx (IBM Security Intelligence) Within two weeks of the discovery of Zeus Panda (Panda Banker) activity, IBM X-Force researchers have uncovered the first signs of Zeus Sphinx attacks in Brazil. A new version of Zeus Sphinx, which is, like Panda, also a commercially available Zeus v2 variation, now targets the online banking and Boleto payment services of three of the top Brazilian banks and one bank in Colombia, according to its configuration file
Now data-stealing Marcher Android malware is posing as security update (ZDNet) Cybercriminals are telling users their device is at risk from viruses unless they download a particular 'security update' -- which delivers the malware
Shark Ransomware-as-a-Service: A real threat, a scam, or both? (Help Net Security) A new Ransomware-as-a-Service project has sprung up, and the “service providers” are allowing others to use it for free, but take a 20 percent cut out of every ransom that gets paid by the victims. The ransomware is called Shark
The inner workings of the Cerber ransomware campaign (Help Net Security) Check Point’s research team has analysed the inner workings of Cerber, the world’s biggest ransomware-as-a-service scheme
Cerber ransomware operation exposed... and boy is it lucrative! (Graham Cluley) Affiliate system makes Cerber one of the most lucrative RaaS platforms in the world
“You dirty RAT” – Spy versus Spy in the cybercrime underworld (Naked Security) Not all malware is ransomware, even though ransomware hogs the spotlight these days
Bug in Rockwell’s PLCs allows attackers to modify firmware (Help Net Security) There is an undocumented SNMP community string in Rockwell Automation’s MicroLogix 1400 programmable logic controllers that can be exploited by attackers to remotely change settings or modify the device firmware, and therefore compromise the PLCs
How Cyberattacks on Critical Infrastructure Could Cause Real-Life Disasters (Motherboard) In October 11, 2012, then Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta warned of the impending dangers of a digital Pearl Harbor, a cyberattack that targeted critical infrastructure and caused real, physical damage
Yet Another Inevitable Breach? The Sage Case And What We Can Learn From It (Information Security Buzz) The British software company Sage suffered a breach according to multiple reports that can be found here, as well as here (and probably more). The breach resulted in the exposure of sensitive employee data of 200-300 companies working with the Sage product
Healthcare's Latest Cyber Threat: Source Code For Sale On The Dark Web (Forbes) One of the repeating themes at this year’s annual Black Hat cybersecurity conference was the idea that cyber threats in general are now moving rapidly beyond the “prototype” phase into full-scale production. One way that becomes apparent is by looking for datasets that are for sale on what’s known as the “dark web” using tools that are specifically designed to buy (or sell) anything with industrial-strength anonymity
A hacker only needs 25 minutes to break into your organization's computer systems, report finds (Daily Dot) Let's say there's a hacker who wants to worm his or her way into your organization's computer systems. How long, on average, would it take for the hacker to compromise your email server? According to a report released on Tuesday by the cloud-based cybersecurity firm Duo Security, the answer is about 25 minutes
Security warning after Pokémon Go activity detected at Airbus (ITV) Airbus employees have been warned about searching for Pokémon Go characters at work
State Dept warns Pokémon Go players in SE Asia: Watch out for landmines (The Hill) The State Department has a message for fans of Pokémon Go in Southeast Asia: Watch where you step
Security Patches, Mitigations, and Software Updates
BlackBerry starts rolling out QuadRooter patch, others to follow suit (Digit) The patch is being rolled out for the BlackBerry Priv and DTEK50, while Sony and OnePlus have also promised to roll out patches for their devices soon
Microsoft to end decades-old pick-a-patch practice in Windows 7 (Computerworld) As of October, Microsoft's switching older editions to the update model pioneered by Windows 10, and slammed by some customers
Cyber Trends
American Economic Activity Is Rooted In Global Flow Of Information (Forbes) In July, citizens around the globe watched a coup attempt unfold in Turkey, by following it on their smartphones and computers through Facebook FB -0.07%, Twitter and other online media. Turkey’s president turned to his iPhone to help thwart the coup, appealing to his country’s citizens via Facetime on live television while calling for his supporters to take to the streets via the very social media platforms he once denounced and repressed
People like using passwords way more than biometrics (Naked Security) A new survey shows that we’ll give up our passwords only when they’re pried from our cold, dead hands
Why doesn’t my cybersecurity insurance cover that? (CSO) There is still no standard approach on which the insurance industry underwrites cyber liability coverage. Find out some answers from an industry expert
Why Safety is Hard to Find in Cybersecurity (Wall Street Journal) Less driven by fear, corporate spending on cybersecurity gets more selective
New-school security: the opportunities amid Australia's threat landscape (CRN) Things move fast in information security. A decade ago antivirus was cool; today it is derided, its value questioned. A decade ago the perimeter was cool; today some say the edge is dead. “This is an exciting space,” says Gartner’s Craig Lawson, a veteran of the Australian
Caveat Emptor: Security Issues Key in M&A Deals (Channel Insider) It's no secret that safeguarding business and customer data is a big concern for companies. In mergers and acquisitions (M&As) world, cyber-security is a hot button
Q&A: New Symantec CEO On Blue Coat Acquisition, Partner Impact And What's Next In Security Vendor Turnaround (CRN) Symantec recently closed its blockbuster acquisition of Blue Coat Systems, ushering in a new era under incoming CEO Greg Clark and opening a new portfolio of solutions for partners
FireEye Inc in 5 Charts (Motley Fool) Tracking the cybersecurity company's changing revenue, expenses, and profitability
Leidos closes $4.6B deal for Lockheed's IT business (Washington Technology) Lockheed Martin and Leidos have completed their historic merger, undoing much of the IT acquisitions that Lockheed has built over the last two decades and making Leidos the largest IT provider in the federal market
CrowdStrike to work on DNC's cybersecurity (The Hill) The Democratic National Committee (DNC) on Monday announced that cybersecurity company CrowdStrike would be restructuring its management systems
BAE Systems Launches Cybersecurity Hub in Malaysia (GovConWire) BAE Systems has unveiled a cybersecurity and threat intelligence hub in Malaysia in support of cyber awareness and cyber technology adoption efforts in the country, ExecutiveBiz reported Monday
Fortinet and KISA to jointly strengthen cybersecurity in South Korea (MIS Asia) Fortinet has announced that it will be conducting a two-way information sharing on cyber threat intelligence with the Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA)
ManTech Chosen for Potential $322M NGA Enterprise IT, Cyber Services Contract (GovConWire) The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency has awarded ManTech International (Nasdaq: MANT) a potential five-year, $322 million contract for information technology services
Final draft of proactive cyber SIN delayed (Federal Times) The General Services Administration is pushing the final draft solicitation for its new special item number (SIN) for proactive cybersecurity services like threat hunting and penetration testing from the original Aug. 12 release date to sometime next week
Sophos Taps GoPro CIO (Wall Street Journal) Internet security firm Sophos Group PLC has tapped GoPro Inc.’s chief information officer as its first CIO, a year after a billion-dollar public market debut
Tim Crothers Joins Bricata's Board of Advisors (Benzinga) Veteran practitioner provides guidance and insight on advanced security strategies and techniques
CounterTack Appoints Matthew Addington as EVP of Federal Business (BusinessWire) Distinguished leader brings 25+ years of Federal sector experience
Products, Services, and Solutions
Security vendors ready ransomware decryption tools to help hospitals under cyberattack (Healthcare IT News) Kaspersky, Trend Micro, Symantec, Cisco and Emsisoft have tools that can decrypt health data after cybercriminals encrypt it. The hitch? The technology won’t work on all ransomware strains
RSA NetWitness Suite only solution to integrate threat intelligence across logs, packets, and endpoints (CSO Australia) Adds new Threat Intelligence Partners for faster detection and response
Google Duo: Simple, encrypted, video calling app (Help Net Security) Google Duo is a simple 1-to-1 video calling app available for Android and iOS. In order to use Google Duo all you need is your phone number, no separate account is necessary
Tenable Network Security Achieves AWS Foundations Benchmark Certification (BusinessWire) Tenable support for CIS benchmark allows organizations to audit their security configuration options in AWS cloud environments
LockPath Partners With ISACA to Help Organizations Align With COBIT Framework (MarketWired) LockPath®, a leader in governance, risk management and compliance (GRC) solutions, today announced its partnership with global IT association ISACA, the creator of the Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies (COBIT) framework
FireEye Launches Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Service for Mergers & Acquisitions (Zawya) FireEye's intelligence-led security assessment to identify risks in M&A target's IT environment
Attivo Networks and Carbon Black Partner to Deliver Advanced, Continuous Threat Management and Response (Marketwired) Attivo Networks®, the award-winning leader in deception for cyber security threat detection, today announced that it has teamed up with Carbon Black, the leader in next-generation endpoint security, to provide an integrated solution for advanced continuous threat management and response
Airbus cryptography approved for Pentagon communications (C4ISRNET) The Defense Department has given a thumbs-up to the latest software upgrades to the Airbus Group's ECTOCRYP Black secure voice encryption device
LogMeIn & Kaspersky Lab Team Up to Provide Cybersecurity Solution to IT Managers & MSPs (Yhoo! Finance) LogMeIn, Inc. and Kaspersky Lab today announced a new partnership that will provide LogMeIn Central Premier customers with a complementary license of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows
Ask us anything about your personal cyber security in a message. (Barburas) In our day to day life we are confronted with different situations where we doubt the legitimacy of an email, an attachment, a disgruntled colleague, a weirdly placed ATM and many more situations in which we would like to have an almost instantaneous second opinion
Technologies, Techniques, and Standards
China launches quantum satellite for 'hack-proof' communications (Guardian) Beijing hopes satellite will create communications system with significant military and commercial applications
Eliminate Weak Passwords With Regular Auditing (IBM Security Intelligence) Previously, we discussed the use of the feedback loop to help educate end users on how to improve secure computing practices. Here, we will discuss the feedback loop’s merits when applied to a regular part of an organization’s user auditing
Continuous security in the web application space (Help Net Security) What we’re seeing in the market right now is increased consolidation among vendors. They’re buying each other, more products covering another vendor’s territory are being introduced, and this is all creating confusion for anyone trying to put together a security program
Legislation, Policy, and Regulation
Obama Administration to Privatize Internet Governance on Oct. 1 (Wall Street Journal) Transfer of domain-name authority from U.S. likely to spark debate in Congress
EU considers imposing telecoms rules on web chat services (V3) Changes could have big impact on encryption and privacy
NSA21 brings new look, same mission for agency (Federal News Radio) The normally secretive National Security Agency is revealing more details about its NSA21 campaign and plans to address threats into the next decade
DHS talks with states about shoring up cyber in voting systems (FCW) In the wake of high-profile hacks of Democratic National Committee databases and associated concerns for the cybersecurity of the country's voting infrastructure, the Department of Homeland Security has kicked off a campaign to raise awareness its cyber resources for states
U.S. Senate Creates New Role Dedicated to Handling Cyberthreats (Government Technology) The new "Chief of Information Assurance” will be responsible for proactively identifying, protecting, detecting, reacting and recovering from advanced cyberthreats
Hacks targeting Democrats put a spotlight on cyber in Congress (FCW) In the wake of a cyber breaches against Democratic targets, Congress is trying to step up its own cybersecurity to gird against future threats. The Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee were targeted in high profile hacks that included leaks of sensitive information
Making Sense of Army Electronic Warfare-Cyber Convergence (C4ISRNET) One of the Army’s biggest goals in the near future concerns network convergence. As evidence, look no further than the decision to disband its electronic warfare division, which will fold into a newly established cyber directorate at the Pentagon within the Army
How STRATCOM's priorities line up in an interconnected world (C4ISRNET) The nature of today’s world is everything is connected. This is true in the commercial, social, political and warfare spaces
Litigation, Investigation, and Law Enforcement
FBI defends decision not to charge Clinton as it submits probe documents to Congress (Washington Post) The FBI on Tuesday forcefully defended its decision not to criminally charge Hillary Clinton in connection with her use of a private email server as secretary of state in a letter to lawmakers that laid out its rationale for refusing to do so
Bill Clinton’s misleading claim about ‘marked classified’ information in Hillary Clinton’s emails (Washington Post) At a voter forum co-hosted by the Asian American Journalists Association and nonpartisan civic engagement group APIAVote, Clinton was asked to explain to voters why they should trust Hillary Clinton after her email scandal. In his answer, Clinton summarized two common Democratic talking points about Hillary Clinton’s emails
Navy spy case moves forward after defense motions denied (Navy Times) After two days of motion hearings, a Navy officer accused of spying for Taiwan remains set for a late October court-martial
UK radical preacher Anjem Choudary convicted of IS support (AP) One of Britain's best-known radical Muslim preachers, Anjem Choudary, has been convicted of encouraging support for the Islamic State group
Bosnian Authorities Arrest Alleged IS Recruiter (ABC News) Bosnian authorities say they have arrested a man suspected of recruiting members for the Islamic State group
Civil liberties groups ask FCC to probe Baltimore police use of cellphone tracking devices (Washington Post) Several civil liberties organizations filed a complaint Tuesday asking the Federal Communications Commission to investigate the use of cellphone tracking devices by the Baltimore Police Department
For a complete running list of events, please visit the Event Tracker.
Newly Noted Events
Insider Threat Program Development Training For NISPOM CC 2 with Legal Guidance (Germantown, Maryland, USA, Sep 14 - 15, 2016) Insider Threat Program Development Training for NISPOM CC 2 (Germantown, Maryland, September 14 - 15, 2016) Insider Threat Defense will hold a two-day training class on Insider Threat Program Development (NISPOM Conforming Change 2). For a limited time the training is being offered at a discounted rate of $795 (normally $1395). The training is comprehensive and provides students with the knowledge and resources to develop and implement a robust Insider Threat Program. The training will include "Legal Considerations & Guidance For Insider Threat Programs" (Privacy Concerns, User Activity Monitoring, Investigations, Etc.) - Provided By Co-Instructor Insider Threat Law - Licensed Attorney. Insider Threat Defense has trained over 400 organizations and has become the "leader-go to company" for insider threat program development training.
4th ETSI/IQC Workshop on Quantum-Safe Cryptography (Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Sep 19 - 21, 2016) This three-day workshop brings together diverse players in the quantum-safe cybersecurity community to facilitate the knowledge exchange and collaboration required to transition cyber infrastructures and business practices to make them safe in an era with quantum computers. Attendees and presenters will include leaders from the fields of post-quantum (quantum resistant) cryptography, quantum key distribution (QKD), theoretical and commercial integration of cryptography and security tools, first-adopters of quantum-safe tools from industry and government, and members of standards bodies. Anyone interested in joining the growing community that is working to mitigate the quantum risk and creating quantum safe cryptosystems for the future should attend this workshop.
Upcoming Events
2016 Information Assurance Symposium (Washington, DC, USA, Aug 16 - 18, 2016) The Information Assurance Symposium is the premier IA event at which leaders and practitioners share vital information and provide direction and best practices to meet today’s challenges in IA and the cyber environment. The classification of the event is UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. The 2016 IAS is expecting upwards of 2,000 attendees and will provide an excellent opportunity to learn and network with leading information assurance and cyber security professionals, subject matter experts and solution providers from throughout Government, industry and academia. The Information Assurance Symposium will include a variety of keynote sessions, five distinct tracts and panel discussions spanning over three days. It will also have a vendor expo where hundreds of exhibitors will display a wide variety of IA products, services and demonstrations. Exciting networking opportunities will be offered in the exhibit hall, all designed to enhance the IAS attendee experience.
Insider Threat Program Development Training (Washington, DC, USA, Mar 29 - 30, 2016) Insider Threat Defense announced it will hold a training class on Insider Threat Program Development (National Insider Threat Policy-NISPOM Conforming Change 2) on March 29-30, 2016, in Washington, DC. For a limited time the training is being offered at a discounted rate of $795. The training is comprehensive and provides students with the knowledge and resources to develop and implement a robust Insider Threat Program. Insider Threat Defense has trained a substantial number of organizations and has become the "Go To Company" for Insider Threat Program Development Training
SANS Alaska 2016 (Anchorage, Alaska, USA, Aug 22 - 27, 2016) SANS is bringing our renowned security training to Alaska! Join us in August for a week of hands-on training and compelling bonus sessions while taking in breathtaking views and experiencing the great Alaskan wilderness. SANS Alaska will feature two hands-on, immersion-style security training courses taught by real-world practitioners August 22-27, 2016 in Anchorage.
CISO New Jersey (Hoboken, New Jersey, USA, Aug 23, 2016) With newspaper headlines covering the latest data breaches, cloud computing security questions going unanswered and hackers developing more sophisticated attacks, the IT department has a growing responsibility to protect customer and company data. The CISO Summit brings together C-level IT security executives, industry analysts and solution providers to discuss challenges and best practices in a relaxed, yet focused business setting. Agenda sessions include panel discussions, think tanks, analyst Q&A sessions and much more.
Cyber Jobs Fair (San Antonio, Texas, USA, Aug 23, 2016) Held in conjunction with the Second Annual CyberTexas Conference, the Cyber Jobs Fair is open to anyone with cyber security education or experience. A security clearance is not required. Booz Allen Hamilton, Digital Hands, IPSecure, Inc., ISHPI, L-3 - West, Lockheed Martin, the Los Alamos National Laboratory, MacAulay-Brown, Inc., STG, Inc., and Tensley Consulting, Inc. will be among the employers attending.
CyberTexas (San Antonio, Texas, USA, Aug 23 - 24, 2016) CyberTexas was established to provide expanded access to security developments and resources located in Texas; provide an ongoing platform for the education and skill development of cyber professionals & job creation; build strong relationships with other U.S. and International geographies focused on cyber ecosystem development; bring national and international resources to the region to showcase Texas-based cyber assets; identify and encourage business opportunities within and outside of Texas; and create long-term value for the cyber security ecosystem of San Antonio and the State of Texas.
Chicago Cyber Security Summit (Chicago, Illinois, USA, Aug 25, 2016) The Cyber Security Summit is an exclusive conference series connects C-Suite & Senior Executives who are responsible for protecting their companies’ critical infrastructures with innovative solution providers and renowned information security experts. This educational and informational forum will focus on educating attendees on how to best protect highly vulnerable business applications and critical infrastructure. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet the nation’s leading solution providers and discover the latest products and services for enterprise cyber defense.
Air Force Information Technology and Cyberpower Conference 2016 (Montgomery, Alabama, USA, Aug 29 - 31, 2016) America is faced with a national emergency in cyberspace. US national security, economic vitality, financial stability and foreign policy are being eroded. Increasingly prevalent and severe malicious cyber activities are being directed against the DOD, USG, Private-Sector, Critical Infrastructure and Key Resource operators, Academia and Civil Society. USG industrial-aged thought, processes, and organizational relationship are not fostering “success” against decentralized, digital-age threat actors. An information-age solution is needed. Private-public dialogue is integral to building a new paradigm in which digital platforms are secure, and the nation is defended in a domain. Building bridges between government and the private sector is essential for victory. This conference will promote a national dialogue between the US Air Force, commercial businesses, academia and civil society to generate “whole of nation” strategies and processes aimed at overcoming challenges and ambiguities of an increasingly digital world.
CISO Toronto (Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Aug 30, 2016) A data breach is not only a PR nightmare, but cause for customers to turn to competitors, exposing sensitive company information and racking up fines from industry regulators. In order for organizations to operate smoothly, CISOs and IT security executives need to be ahead of the hackers, and kept abreast of the latest IT security topics and trends.
ISAO SO Public Forum (Tysons, Virginia, USA, Aug 31 - Sep 1, 2016) This public forum is the last opportunity to meet face-to-face and participate in conversations that will shape the first set of standards and guidelines to be published in September! Speakers will include leaders from multiple industry sectors, government and academia. The meeting will feature topics including: an in-depth public discussion of ISAO 100-1: Guidelines for Establishing an ISAO and ISAO 600-1: Government Relations, Programs, and Services; the State of the Ecosystem from the ISAO SO: “Where We Are and Where We’re Going” and “How We’ll Get There”; a special meeting of emerging ISAOs, and panel discussions from industry experts and thought leaders on ISAO Services and Capabilities, and Building an ISAO.
cybergamut Technical Tuesday: Quantifying Cyber Attacks: To Optimize and Assess your Defense by Jason Syversen of Siege Technologies (Elkridge, Maryland, USA, Sep 6, 2016) cybergamut Technical Tuesday is for cyber professionals to exchange innovative ideas and discuss technical issues of mutual interest. We’ll have a Technical Tuesday event on 6 September 2016 (1600 – 1730 East Coast Time). This talk describes the challenges of quantifying offensive and defensive capabilities and posture. This is not an IT-oriented metrics-talk about measuring the firewall rules or number of incidents last year. Instead, you’ll hear about new military-backed research on how to quantify the effectiveness of attacks, predict outcomes and measure defensive strength, as well as the future of data-driven security technologies.
2016 Intelligence & National Security Summit (Washington, DC, USA, Sep 7 - 8, 2016) Third annual unclassified summit hosted by AFCEA International and the Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA). There are five plenary sessions and nine breakout sessions related to cybersecurity, policy, and enduring strategic issues
Annual Privacy Forum 2016 (Frankfurt, Hesse, Germany, Sep 7 - 8, 2016) In the light of the upcoming data protection regulation and the European digital agenda, DG CONNECT, ENISA and, Goethe University Frankfurt is organizing APF 2016. In the light of the upcoming data protection regulation and the European digital agenda, DG CONNECT, ENISA and, Goethe University Frankfurt is organizing APF 2016.
SecureWorld Cincinnati (Sharonville, Ohio, USA, Sep 8, 2016) Join your fellow security professionals for affordable, high-quality cybersecurity training and education. Earn 6-12 CPE credits through 30+ educational elements learning from nationally recognized industry leaders. Attend featured keynotes, panel discussions & breakout sessions all while networking with local peers
Borderless Cyber Europe (Brussels, Belgium, Sep 8 - 9, 2016) Join CIOs, CISOs and cyber threat intelligence experts from industry, government and CSIRTs worldwide to share experiences, strategies, tactics and practices that will improve your state of preparedness and more effectively protect your business against cyber threats. You will learn how to build communities of practice between C-level professionals and IT security practitioners, access the latest cyber threat information sharing and get actionable experiences from real-world use cases.
SANS Network Security 2016 (Las Vegas, Nevada, USA , Sep 10 - 16, 2016) We are pleased to invite you and your colleagues to attend SANS Network Security 2016 at the magnificent Caesars Palace, Las Vegas, on September 10-19. SANS Network Security is your annual networking opportunity! SANS will bring you the best in network security training, certification, and up-to-the-minute research on the most important topics in the industry today.
Business Insurance Cyber Risk Summit 2016 (San Francisco, California, USA, Sep 11 - 12, 2016) The Business Insurance Cyber Risk Summit provides risk management professionals and chief information security officers with the practical information and tools needed to combat the latest cyber risks that threaten their organizations. The day-long conference will explore cyber exposures, regulations, governance and insurance coverage. Risk managers and CISOs will learn how to adapt proven risk management strategies to their current cybersecurity environments, how to better communicate with their information security teams, and how to effectively convey risks, exposures and coverage options to their corporate boards and the C suite.
(ISC)² Security Congress (Orlando, Florida, USA, Sep 12 - 15, 2016) (ISC)² Security Congress offers attendees over 90 education sessions, designed to transcend all industry sectors, focus on current and emerging issues, best practices, and challenges facing cybersecurity leaders. As cyber threats and attacks continue to rise, the goal of (ISC)² Security Congress is to advance security leaders by arming them with the knowledge, tools, and expertise to protect their organizations.
7th Annual Billington Cybersecurity Summit (Washington, DC, USA, Sep 13, 2016) Join over 600 senior-level attendees, more than 50 distinguished speakers, and over 40 prestigious sponsors and exhibitors at the 7th Annual Billington CyberSecurity Summit, the leading Fall forum on cybersecurity in the Nation’s Capital, on September 13 in Washington, D.C. at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center. Keynotes Include NSA Director Admiral Michael Rogers and top U.K. and Israeli Cyber Leaders.
CISO GAS (Frankfurt, Hessen, Germany, Sep 13, 2016) A data breach is not only a PR nightmare, but cause for customers to turn to competitors, exposing sensitive company information and racking up fines from industry regulators. CISOs and IT security executives must always have this in mind, as well as a host of other evolving concerns, from curbing Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) risk to controlling vulnerable social media data. In order for today's leading enterprises to operate smoothly, information security must be ahead of the hackers and kept abreast of the latest IT security topics and trends. The CISO Summit will bring together C-level IT security executives, industry analysts and solution providers to discuss challenges and best practices in a relaxed, yet focused business setting. Agenda sessions include engaging Keynote Presentations, Thought Leadership sessions, CISO Think Tanks, Analyst Q&As and much more
Tarleton State University Cyber Security Summit 2016 (Dallas, Texas, USA, Sep 13, 2016) Cyber Security for the Board and the C-Suite: "What You Need to Know." Cyber Security experts will discuss corporate cyber-attacks and legal practitioners will discuss strategies to help companies comply with the increasingly complex data security laws. Data privacy and security experts will discuss practical solutions to current problems.
SecureWorld Detroit (Dearborn, Michigan, USA , Sep 14 - 15, 2016) Join your fellow security professionals for affordable, high-quality cybersecurity training and education. Earn 12-16 CPE credits through 60+ educational elements learning from nationally recognized industry leaders. Attend featured keynotes, panel discussions & breakout sessions all while networking with local peers
Insider Threat Program Development Training for NISPOM CC 2 (Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, Sep 19 - 20, 2016) Insider Threat Defense will hold a two-day training class on Insider Threat Program Development (NISPOM Conforming Change 2). For a limited time the training is being offered at a discounted rate of $795 (normally $1395). The training is comprehensive and provides students with the knowledge and resources to develop and implement a robust insider threat program. Insider Threat Defense has trained over 350+ organizations and has become the "leader-go to company " for insider threat program development training.
hardwear.io Security Conference (The Hague, the Netherlands, Sep 20 - 23, 2016) hardwear.io Security Conference is a platform for hardware and security community where researchers showcase and discuss their innovative research on attacking and defending hardware. The objective of the conference revolves around four key concerns in hardware, firmware and related protocols i.e. backdoors, exploits, trust and attacks (BETA). hardwear.io is seeking innovative research on hardware security. If you have done interesting research on attacks or mitigation on any Hardware and want to showcase it to the security community, just submit your research paper.
3rd Annual Senior Executive Cyber Security Conference: Navigating Today's Cyber Security Terrain (Baltimore, Maryland, USA, Sep 21, 2016) The Johns Hopkins University Information Security Institute and COMPASS Cyber Security are hosting the 3rd Annual Senior Executive Cyber Security Conference on Wednesday, September 21, from 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., on the Homewood campus of Johns Hopkins University. Hear from industry leaders on cyber security best practices and trends that will help you better secure your organization's data. This year's agenda examines the current cyber security landscape, threats, and challenges ahead for organizations and how senior leaders can work towards "shifting their data to being safe and secure."
New York Cyber Security Summit (New York, New York, USA, Sep 21, 2016) The Cyber Security Summit is an exclusive conference series connects C-Suite & Senior Executives who are responsible for protecting their companies’ critical infrastructures with innovative solution providers and renowned information security experts. This educational and informational forum will focus on educating attendees on how to best protect highly vulnerable business applications and critical infrastructure. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet the nation’s leading solution providers and discover the latest products and services for enterprise cyber defense.
Gigaom Change 2016 Leader's Summit (Austin, Texas, USA, Sep 21 - 23, 2016) Over an immersive 2.5 days, we will explore the current state-of-the-art technologies, how these are transforming industry, and why this all matters. You’ll emerge with a greater understanding of the exponential technological changes occurring around us, and the confidence to accelerate tangible next steps. Gigaom Change is designed to empower businesses of today to thrive in a world of tomorrow. Gigaom Change will focus on the seven most disruptive enterprise technologies that are widely known but little understood: Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Robotics, Nanotechnology, Cybersecurity, 3-D Printing, and Human-Machine Interface.
NYIT Annual Cybersecurity Conference (New York, New York, USA, Sep 22, 2016) Presented by NYIT School of Engineering and Computing Sciences, this conference brings together cyber experts from academia, business, and government to address: Cyber Defense Against Attacks–How Industry Is Addressing Evolving Threats; Information Currency and Blockchain Vulnerability; Cyber Physical Systems, Cyber Infrastructure, and the Internet of Things; Government Agencies' Strategies for Securing Cyberspace; Cyber Risks of Smart Transportation; and Accelerating Cyber Education and Career Paths.
Cyber Security: How to Identify Risk and Act (Frankenmuth, Michigan, USA, Sep 26, 2016) Join us on 9/26/2016 for the PMI-MTC's annual project management PDD focusing on "Cyber Security: How to Identify Risk and Act." Earn 7 PDUs during the interactive sessions with well-known information security and project management experts. Featuring a keynote speaker from the FBI Detroit Cyber Task Force. Also featuring speakers from the Dow Chemical Company, UHY LLP, Ally Financial, CBI, and more.
CYBERSEC (Kraków, Poland, Sep 26 - 27, 2016) The CYBERSEC forum is the first of its kind in Poland and one of just a few regular public policy conferences in Europe devoted to the strategic issues of cyberspace and cybersecurity.The goal of the CYBERSEC conference is the formulation of practical recommendations that aim to increase resilience to cyber threats within specific economic sectors, states, and the EU as a whole.
IP EXPO Nordic 2016 (Stockholm, Sweden, Sep 27 - 28, 2016) IP EXPO Nordic is part of Europe’s number ONE enterprise IT event series, designed for those looking to find out how the latest IT innovations can drive business growth and competitiveness. The event showcases brand new exclusive content and senior-level insights from across the industry, as well as unveiling the latest developments in IT. It covers everything you need to run a successful enterprise or organisation. Arrive with challenges, leave with solutions. IP EXPO Nordic 2016 incorporates six IT events under one roof – Cloud, Cyber Security, Networks and Infrastructure, Data Analytics, DevOps and Open Source. This year’s event will be the most comprehensive business-enhancing experience for those across the IT industry, including IT managers, CTOs, CDOs, network and storage engineers, CISOs, data analysts, developers and communications specialists.
SecureWorld Dallas (Plano, Texas, USA , Sep 27 - 28, 2016) Join your fellow security professionals for affordable, high-quality cybersecurity training and education. Earn 12-16 CPE credits through 60+ educational elements learning from nationally recognized industry leaders. Attend featured keynotes, panel discussions & breakout sessions all while networking with local peers