Incident response around the Hash Table.
Incident response is a cybersecurity first principle strategy.
What happens when your organization has a cyber event? In this session, Rick goes deep on Incident Response and the first principle approach to building a powerful cross functional team. With the proven 4-step process and training recommendations for teams of any size, Rick’s first principle approach to Incident Response is simple, effective, and measurable. Have you wondered how successful organizations make unparalleled Incident Response teams? The Hash Table shares their lessons, strategies, and expert advice.
Four members of the CyberWire’s hash table of experts:
- Jerry Archer - Sallie Mae CSO
- Ted Wagner - SAP National Security Services CISO
- Steve Winterfeld - Akamai Advisory CISO
- Rick Doten - Centene CISO
discuss the things they worry about when it comes to incident response.
Cybersecurity professional development and continued education.
You will learn about: the 4 steps of incident response, training your incident response team, successes and failures, how industry leaders do incident response
CyberWire is the world’s most trusted news source for cybersecurity information and situational awareness. Join the conversation with Rick Howard on LinkedIn and Twitter, and follow CyberWire on social media and join our community of security professionals: LinkedIn, Twitter, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram
Additional first principles resources for your cybersecurity program.
For more incident response and cybersecurity first principles resources, check the topic essay.
Selected Reading:
- “Agreeing on Roles and Responsibilities: Summary of RACI,” ValueBasedManagement.net, 2019.
- “Attorney Client Privilege and Use of Kovel Arrangements FAQs,” by the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA), 18 August 2017.
- "Computer Security Incident Handling Guide: Special Publication 800-61 Revision 2,” by Paul Cichonski, Tom Millar, Tim Grance, and Karen Scarfone, NIST - National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce, August 2012.
- “DACI Decision-Making Framework,” by Product Plan. Last Checked 5 August 2020.
- “Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity,” National Institute of Standards and Technology, Version 1.1, 16 April 2018, Last visited 17 June 2020.
- “The Big Picture of the Security Incident Cycle,” by Lenny Zeltser, SANS, 27 September 2010.
- “The Joke,” By Matt Carlson, Carnegie Hall, 2020.