What was industry saying about Data Privacy Day 2022? The CyberWire tells you what we've heard.
Data Privacy Day: What we heard from industry leaders.
January 28th was Data Privacy Day (and it came at the end of Data Privacy Week). The Council of Europe started this practice back in 2007, when it marked European Data Protection Day. Since then the observance has gone global, and companies and government agencies around the world note the occasion with calls for better attention to privacy, and to dissemination of good practices, and, of course, a degree of cheerleading, all to the good. We heard from industry leaders about their take on the challenges and opportunities surrounding data privacy, and we share them here:
Data Privacy Day: They really are after your personal data.
Data Privacy Day: Privacy as a business imperative.
Data Privacy Day: Changing workplaces and changing technologies.
Data Privacy Day: Regulation and compliance.
Data Privacy Day: Privacy is also an individual responsibility.
Data Privacy Day: Where's privacy protection heading?
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