The 2016 Intelligence and National Security Summit Overview.
The annual Intelligence and National Security Summit was held in Washington, DC, on September 7th and 8th, 2016. Sponsored jointly by the Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA) and AFCEA International, the conference dealt broadly with intelligence issues facing the United States. Understandably, it featured much consideration of operations in cyberspace.
In our coverage of the Summit, you'll find accounts of cyber risk management, the prospects for a national cyber deterrence strategy, and the implementation of the Cybersecurity and Information Security Act (CISA). You'll also find a summary of remarks by the Chairman and Ranking Member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and a description of a panel discussion among the heads of the CIA, FBI, NRO, NGA, DIA, and NSA.
We also have an account of James Clapper's valediction as he prepares to leave office after his tenure as the longest serving Director of National Intelligence.