Cybersecurity companies saw the release of a few trend reports today, analyzing last year’s threats and looking forward to this year’s top cyber trends.
New trend reports today, fresh off the presses.
Three cybersecurity companies have released trend reports this morning, with Radware and Nuspire looking back on last year’s global threats, and Brivo looking forward to this year’s top cyber trends.
2022’s threats in review: the most activity in history.
Nuspire released their Q4 and Year in Review 2022 Threat Report this morning, detailing threat landscapes and cybercriminal techniques, tactics, and procedures (TTPs). While the final quarter of 2022 saw drops in threat activity from Q3, the year as a whole was said to show a marked increase in the sectors tracked by the company: malware, botnets, and exploits, making 2022 the year researchers report seeing “the most threat activity in history.” Exploits did see significant growth in the final quarter of last year with a 105% increase, rounding out the total number of exploits in 2022 at nearly twice that of 2021. Malware saw a 35% jump in Q4, leveling the yearly increase for the malicious software to almost 7%, and botnets were reported to see an increase of 30% in 2022.
Last year’s hefty amount of DDoS activity.
Radware shared their 2022 Global Threat Analysis Report this morning, detailing the year’s distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) increase, as well as the most commonly attacked industries and growth in API and web app attacks. The report discloses a growth of 150% in DDoS attacks worldwide between 2021 and 2022, with the US in particular seeing a jump of 212% in the same timeframe. Organizations globally were observed to block an average of 29.3 attacks daily in the last quarter of 2022, and are observed to be increasing in complexity. The finance industry saw 53% of DDoS attack activity in 2022, trailed by technology and healthcare at 20% and 11%, respectively. Web app and API attacks saw a year-over-year increase of 128%, with retail and wholesale trade, high-tech, and carriers observed to make up 60% of blocked web app attacks.
Looking ahead to 2023’s trends.
Brivo looks ahead this morning to this year’s upcoming trends in their 2023 Top Security Trends Report, with user experience observed on the forefront of the minds of security professionals. 84% of cybersecurity professionals believe that user experience is important for access control, with 65% noting the benefit of user convenience and mobile access control given their rising popularity as an access credential. Tenant and workplace experience apps came in at the fifth most popular security integration made this year, according to those surveyed, which give employees more control over their workspace. Security professionals have been observed benefiting from “remote door management, instantaneous credential management and outsourcing oversight responsibilities,” Brivo says, noting the appreciation for convenience amongst professionals in their own lives.