Afternoon Cyber Tea with Ann Johnson 6.28.22
Ep 55 | 6.28.22

The Journey to Greater Representation

Show Notes

Jeff Rivera, American author, producer, and co-founder of Collective 5 Entertainment, joins Ann on this week's episode of Afternoon Cyber Tea to discuss the importance of diversity and inclusion, the impact of underrepresentation, and his journey from poverty to renowned world speaker. Jeff is an internationally sought-after speaker and author with an impressive body of work, including over 200 books, television, radio, and digital publications. 

In This Episode You Will Learn:    

  • Jeff's journey from American poverty to mentor, writer, and production company owner 
  • The impact of under-representation 
  • The importance of seeing and celebrating differences in people  

Some Questions We Ask:    

  • How does the lack of representation impact people from marginalized communities?  
  • Why is it important to recognize the differences between people? 
  • How are you accelerating progress in representation through current and future projects?   


View Jeff Rivera on LinkedIn 

View Ann Johnson on LinkedIn 


Listen to: Security Unlocked 

Listen to: Security Unlocked: CISO Series with Bret Arsenault      


Afternoon Cyber Tea with Ann Johnson is produced by Microsoft and distributed as part of The CyberWire Network.