Binding Operational Directive 17-01 hits Kaspersky. Point-of-sale malware found in some ElastiSearch servers. BlueBorne proves widespread. Equifax breach updates, industry notes, a look at the Billington Summit.
In today's podcast, we hear that DHS tells the US Executive Branch to stop using Kaspersky security software. Kromtech finds ElastiSearch servers hosting point-of-sale malware. BlueBorne bugs buzz billions of boxes. Equifax says that its breach was accomplished via the Apache Struts flaw patched in April. Industry notes include both venture funding and acquisition news. We take a quick look back at the Billington CyberSecurity Summit. Johannes Ulrich with an update on the Mirai botnet. Renato Marinho, Chief Research Officer at Morphus Labs, on a bad Chrome browser extension that can steal banking credentials. And robo-lawyers come to small claims court.