Cyberespionage in the Korean peninsula. Russian influence operators bought Facebook, Google ads. Forrester hacked. Kovter, OilRig get upgrades. US CYBERCOM CSM notes.
In today's podcast, we hear that North Korea may have hacked into South Korean defense plans. Facebook and Google receive increasing scrutiny for Russian ad buys during 2016 US election season. A dissident Chinese billionaire, exiled to New York, says he's been under cyberattack from Shanghai. OilRig is back, with new and improved cyberespionage. Forrester market research reports accessed by hackers. Kovter malware gets an upgrade. Chris Poulin from BAH on medical device safety. Yassir Abousselham from Okta on challenges establishing and managing identity. And we offer some observations from the Cyber Pavilion at the Association of the United States Army meetings.