SEC, DoJ, issue civil and criminal complaints against EDGAR hackers. Lazarus Group in Chile? Iran’s Ashiyane Forum. Cryptomix ransomware. Money laundering through Fortnite. Fake WaPo edition.
In today’s podcast, we hear that the SEC and the Department of Justice are going after EDGAR hackers for securities fraud. Flashpoint sees the Lazarus Group in an attack on Chile’s Redbanc. Recorded Future shares notes on Iran’s Ashiyane Forum. Crytpomix ransomware is being distributed by fraudulent charitable appeals. Organized gangs are using Fortnite in-game currency for money laundering. A slickly done bogus edition of the Washington Post was being handed out in DC this morning. Ben Yelin from UMD CHHS on a recent ruling regarding 5th amendment protections for biometrics. Guest is Kevin O’Brien from GreatHorn on techniques to improve email security.