HiddenWasp swarms out from under the Winnti Umbrella. Sino-American wrangling over Huawei. Baltimore maybe should have known better. A coming IoT hacking campaign?
HiddenWasp backdoors Linux systems, and aims at more than the usual coinmining or DDoS. Thousands of Huawei and ZTE devices remain in US Federal networks--it takes time to fully implement a ban. China considers retaliation for the US Entity List as the US works to bring its allies on board. Baltimore may have been warned about its vulnerable servers as long as five years ago. Netscout sees signs of a coming IoT hacking campaign. Justin Harvey from Accenture on the dramatic increase in targeted ransomware. Guest is NSA’s Diane M. Janosek, celebrating the 20th year of their Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity program.