Supply chain hacks versus Airbus. Phishing around Google Cloud. Masad Clipper and Stealer on the criminal-to-criminal market. Quick zero-day exploitation. DoorDash hack. Inside JTF Ares.
The Airbus supply chain is reported to be under attack, possibly by Chinese industrial espionage operators. Phishing campaigns impersonate Google Cloud services. A new commodity information stealer is on offer in the black market. The vBulletin zero-day was weaponized surprisingly quickly. DoorDash discloses a hack that exposed almost five million persons’ data. And a look at JTF Ares operations against ISIS shows commendable attention to increasing the enemy’s friction. David Dufour from Webroot on the need for a variety of areas of expertise in security. Guest is Caleb Barlow CEO and President of Cynergistek, discussing the security implications of being CEO of a public company.