Hacking Humans 9.7.23
Ep 258 | 9.7.23

Passkeys: consumer-friendly password killers?

Show Notes

Guest Chris Sherwood, owner of Crosstalk Solutions, joins Dave to talk about passkeys. Joe shares some listener follow-up about "revert" and side-loading applications on Android phones. Joe's story came from a listener named Kyle who sent this as a Catch of the Day (COTD) about a phishing scam email conversation about event sponsorship. Dave discusses something he saw on Mastodon from user Bjorn about some fraudulent bank charges and stopping a scam in process. Our COTD is from listener Alec about a potential dating scam offering over Instagram.

Links to follow-up and stories:

Have a Catch of the Day you'd like to share? Email it to us at hackinghumans@thecyberwire.com or hit us up on Twitter.