SpyCast 9.3.24
Ep 649 | 9.3.24

The Director-General of the Australian Signals Directorate with Rachel Noble

Show Notes


Rachel Noble joins Andrew Hammond to discuss her role as Director-General of the Australian Signals Directorate. Rachel is the first woman to hold this position. 

What You’ll Learn


  • The Australian Signals Directorate: Its purpose and mission
  • The true story of the Pine Gap spy facility
  • Leadership in Intelligence
  • The SIGINT origins of the Five Eyes alliance


  • The value of team
  • The importance of work-life balance

And much, much more …

Episode Notes

This week on SpyCast, Andrew was joined in the studio by Rachel Noble, outgoing Director-General of the Australian Signals Directorate. Her career in intelligence has spanned 30 years, culminating in her appointment as Director-General in 2020 – Making her the first woman to lead an Australian intelligence organization.

Director-General Noble will be retiring from public service this month after four years leading Australia’s cyber defense – She joined Andrew to discuss the important work of the ASD, share insights on leadership from the top, and reflect on the lessons she has learned over the decades of her career. 


In 2022, the National Museum of Australia showed a special exhibit called Decoded: 75 Years of the Australian Signals Directorate. While you can no longer see it in person, you can explore exhibit highlights and some extremely cool artifacts from the history of the ASD here

Quotes of the Week

“Women lead differently. We talk differently, we engage in different ways. And I've had to learn to own that about myself and not be tempted to try to be like the guys, compete with them on their own terms, or to adopt male behaviors in order to be heard … [Doing that] doesn't really help other women who might come after me.” – Rachel Noble.




*Beginner Resources*

  • What is SIGINT? YouTube (2020) [2 min. video]
  • Who we are, Australian Signals Directorate (2020) [Short article]
  • Our Agencies, National Intelligence Community of Australia (n.d.) [Overview of each agency in the Australian IC]



  • Revealing Secrets: An unofficial history of Australian Signals intelligence and the advent of cyber, C. Birgin & J. Blaxland (University of New South Wales Press, 2023)
  • Spies & Sparrows: ASIO & the Cold War, P. Deery (Melbourne University Press, 2022)
  • Australia's First Spies: The Remarkable Story of Australia's Intelligence Operations, 1901-45, J. Fahey (Allen & Unwin, 2019)



Primary Sources 

*Wildcard Resource*

  • Rachel mentioned in this podcast episode that one of her favorite treats when coming to the States are Snickerdoodles – A delectable sugar cookie showered in cinnamon-sugar topping. 
  • In the cookie world, snickerdoodles are a more recent invention with their first written mention being in an 1889 cookbook. Learn more about the history of cookies here