CyberWire Daily
Sherrod DeGrippo, host of The Microsoft Threat Intelligence Podcast, shares about her new podcast.
Ann Johnson from Afternoon Cyber Tea talks with Noopur Davis from Comcast about building secure tech from the start.
Malek Ben Salem of Accenture describes code models.
Simone Petrella speaks with Google’s Tatyana Bolton about the challenges of bridging the cyber talent gap.
On Threat Vector segment, Palo Alto Networks' David Moulton speaks with Kate Naunheim, Cyber Risk Management Director at Unit 42, about the new cybersecurity regulations introduced by the SEC.
Rick Howard talks with Jen Miller Osborn about the 10th anniversary of ATT&CKcon.
Ashley Rose from Living Security with a look at measuring human risk.
Betsy Carmelite from Booz Allen on how to expand and diversify the Cyber Talent Pool.
Ann Johnson from Afternoon Cyber Tea speaks with Ram Shankar Siva Kumar and Dr. Hyrum Anderson about the promise, peril, and impact of AI.
Simone Petrella speaks with Raytheon’s Jon Check about supporting and shaping the next generation of the cyber workforce.
Andrea Little Limbago from Interos to talk about geopolitics, cyber and the C-suite.
Simone Petrella speaks with Diane Janosek, Executive Director of Capitol Technology University's Center for Women in Cyber, about paths to cybersecurity and ways to address cybersecurity workforce intelligence through education.
Afternoon Cyber Tea
Sharon Barber, Chief Information Officer at Lloyds Banking Group, joins Ann Johnson to discuss cyber trends in financial services.
Noopur Davis, Executive Vice President and Chief Information Security and Product Privacy Officer at Comcast, to discuss building secure tech from the start.
Career Notes
Nicole Sundin, a Chief Product Officer from Axio sits down to discuss her career path and what it is like to be a woman in the cybersecurity field. As a UX leader, Nicole has devoted her entire career to building awareness around the benefits of usable security and human-centered security to the broader cybersecurity community. She also shares some of her background as she moved her way up the later to get to where she is today. As a female in a male-dominated industry, Nicole shares her unique insights on embracing the responsibility of serving as a role model to women aspiring to contribute to the cybersecurity field, and the importance of building a diverse team. She says "Really, it's about building community in your organization and outside your organization of strong women or strong friends that you have that you can lean on when you know you're the only person in the room."
Jennifer Reed, a Principal Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS) to sit down and share her amazing story. After Jennifer graduated high school, she immediately went into Marine Corps training, which she shared was a shock to her because she was the only woman when she got out into the fleet and every single place that she went. She eventually moved on from the military after learning some programming tools, and went into the financial services industry doing systems engineering. She got called back to active duty, and then afterwards landed at AWS. She shares that being a woman in this industry can be challenging at time, but she says "I do feel, um, good about the things I've overcome, but I also don't want it to be so hard for the next person, if that makes sense. I don't want them to have to have those same struggles to kind of overcome any perceptions that someone might have due to their their gender or their background."
Susan Hinrichs, Chief Scientist at Aviatrix sits down to share her story, with over 30 years in experience spanning a variety of networking and security disciplines and has held leadership and academic roles, she sits down to discuss her amazing career. Earlier in her career, Susan served as System Architect at Cisco where she spent nine years designing and developing Centri Firewall and a variety of network security management tools. She worked as a Lecturer, Computer and Network Security for eight years at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) where she developed a hands-on Security Lab introduction course for students in her first year, and later in her tenure, along with two colleagues, created a malware analysis course designed for senior students. With all of the amazing things she's done in her career, she shares the advice to new comers into the field, saying "I think also as you're trying to get that next job either as a student or as a professional trying to change direction a little bit, if you're coming into interviews being able to talk about a project that you worked on, even if it's not a project that really anyone uses, but if it's something that's interesting that you have in depth understanding of, uh, I think is super valuable to get you noticed."
Suzie Squier, President of the Retail and Hospitality ISAC, or Information Sharing and Analysis Center, sits down to share her incredible story starting to get her into the cyber community. She first started getting into PR through an internship she did in college, then moved around a few times gaining experience everywhere she went. Suzie shares some wise advice, discussing not only her managing style, but also how she handles situations, along with how she deals with adversity. She says "I also have realized over time that I'm never in this alone, whether that's your personal life or your work life and even here, uh, in addition to a great team, all great team." She hopes people will jump in to the world of cyber with an open mind, and though it may be frightening at first, she says you just need to dive in anyway and not be afraid to try new things.
Hacking Humans
Mallory Sofastaii, a consumer investigative reporter from WMAR TV, is joining Dave and Joe to discuss some recent scams she's seen in her reporting.
RH-ISAC Podcast
Luke Vander Linden sits down with Marnie Wilking, CISO at, to discuss her background in cybersecurity, the global threat landscape, and emerging technology such as AI.
The Microsoft Threat Intelligence Podcast
Sherrod DeGrippo is joined by Christine Fossaceca. senior mobile security researcher at Microsoft. Christine and Sherrod discuss mobile device security and privacy concerns, mainly focusing on Apple AirTags and similar tracking devices, concentrating on the potential for misuse of these devices for shady purposes, the challenges of tracking and detecting them, and steps individuals can take to protect themselves if they suspect they are being tracked.Microsoft recently released a new report called the Data Security Index.
Uncovering Hidden Risks
Erica Toelle, Tina Ying, and Herain Oberoi explain what drove the team to complete this research, release the report, and share valuable insights that can empower organizations to optimize their data security programs.